Certified food hoses

Ensure the added value of your products with efficient, food-compliant high-tech hoses from the hose industry experts. Avoid cost-intensive contamination!

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Safe food hoses to avoid cost-intensive hazards

At the Masterflex Group, we have set ourselves the task of always being able to offer you the right hoses and connectors in the product development of safe and compliant food hoses and connection systems.

Solutions Fish industryCompliant food hosesRPA hose solutions

Portrait: Marc-Julian Ott Technical Sales Consultant at Masterflex

Marc-Julian Ott
Key Account Manager Life Science


Certified life science product solutions

Our products have the usual certifications for the production and conveying of foodstuffs. Our specialist Marc-Julian Ott, Global Key Account Manager Life Science, will be happy to advise you!

  • Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 including the latest amending regulations
  • Consumer Goods Regulation in the version dated 15.02.2016
  • Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 and the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB)
  • ATEX conformity as well as CoT and TTC certificates

Maximum food safety

  • FDA 21 CFR §177.2600 -FDA 21 CRF §178.2010 Material complies with the above FDA food regulations
  • Certain APT products are NSF certified (ANSI 51 for food contact materials). These include the FEP/PFA product solutions APT-Food Appliance Tube & APT-High Performance Food Tube

Masterflex Group subsidiaries APT, Novoplast Schlauchtechnik & Masterflex have numerous compliant food and pharmaceutical hoses for a wide range of applications.

Hose & connection solutions fish industry

A smooth Fisherman's friend - Master-PUR L Fishtec

This PU hose has been specially developed for the requirements of the fishing industry and offers optimum flow technology with its seamless, smooth inner core and joint-free connection technology.

The Master-PUR Fishtec product series enables safe and gentle transportation of fish with maximum flow speed and without friction.

The hose for land and water applications consists of an ether-based TPU, reinforced with an impact-resistant, food-safe PVC hard spiral. The wall thicknesses vary between 0.4 mm and 0.8 mm, making the hose both flexible and robust. Overall, these hose types ensure high cargo and transport quality, which is particularly important in areas such as offshore aquaculture, fish farming and fish processing, where maximum precision is required.

Product advice Data sheet Master-PUR H Fishtec

Certified Master-PUR Fishtec product series

Technical dealers rely on the performance of Master-PUR L FishTec. Thanks to its outstanding abrasion resistance, excellent bending properties and exceptional flexibility, this hose type remains durable and usable even under the most demanding aquatic conditions. It offers high resistance to microbes, hydrolysis and stress cracking, making it a reliable choice for use in harsh environments. In addition, the material properties of the tubing ensure a long service life - even with intensive use.

In accordance with FDA regulations (CFR 21-Item 17.2600), this type of hose not only ensures safety and hygiene, but also the highest quality in food processing.

Master-PUR L FishtecVideo certification NS 9416:2013

Portrait: Marc-Julian Ott Technical Sales Consultant at Masterflex

Efficient, safe transport processes and maximized freight quality for the fish & food industry

Marc-Julian Ott, Global Key Account Manager Food & Pharma Masterflex Group

Product impressions

Schlauchsystem Master-PUR L Fishtec für die Fischindustrie FDA zertifiziert von Innen

Master-PUR L Fishtec

Master-PUR L Fishtec

Schlauchsystem Master-PUR L Fishtec für die Fischindustrie FDA zertifiziert

Master-PUR L Fishtec + connecting element

Master-PUR H Fishtec

Master-PUR L Fishtec attached to the system

Safe Masterflex Group food hoses

Consumer & Professional - PTFE, FEP & PFA hose systems

Do you also smell the aroma of fresh specialty coffee from time to time? With around 2.6 billion cups consumed worldwide, this popular hot drink is the second most consumed beverage after water.

For fully automatic coffee machines and applications in the Consumer & Professional segment, for example, we rely on particularly high-quality, durable hoses made of PTFE, FEP or safe high-performance fluoropolymers. Due to their material properties, these work excellently when conveying hot water and substances. Often in combination with suitable, pre-assembled finished parts. Technical distributors and original equipment manufacturers trust the compliant food hoses made of PTFE, FEP or PFA - for 100% taste & maximum food safety that you can taste.

Data sheet PTFEData sheet FEPData sheet PFA

Hose variety for food production

No matter where or on what occasion food products are consumed, safety in the upstream production process is the be-all and end-all. Risk-free food production is not a matter of luck, but it will be a matter of luck for you and your customers if you rely on food-compliant high-tech hoses from the Masterflex Group right from the start, such as the Master-PUR H Food A PU suction and transport hose .

With the right plastic hoses, you can reduce the risk of contamination during the production process, for example through abrasion of the hoses or the formation of bacteria and salmonella at connections! Your customers will thank you for it. We will be happy to advise you on our certifications, ATEX conformity, product coding, our 100% traceability and more! To help you or your customers produce more safely, we have created a checklist for you to follow when using food-compliant hoses.

ChecklistProduct brochure FoodAdvice Key account

Portrait: Marc-Julian Ott Technical Sales Consultant at Masterflex

Your RPA requirements are unique - and so are our food hose solutions on request!

Marc-Julian Ott, Global Key Account Manager Food & Pharma Masterflex Group

Food hoses Product examples

Product image: Food hose of the Masterflex Master-PUR L Food

Master-PUR L Food

Product image: Masterflex Master-PUR H Food A food hose

Master-PUR H Food A

Product image: Connection system for food hoses from Masterflex

Combiflex VA threaded connector Food

Product image: Masterflex Master-PUR Flat Food A flat food hose

Master-PUR Flat Food A

Master-H2O - TPE film hose for drinking water applications

Product image: a variation of FEP hoses from the company APT

Food FEP hoses certified to NSF/ANSI 51

FEP hoses certified according to NSF/ANSI 51

Food PFA standard hoses certified to NSF ANSI 51 and Teflon™ Diamond quality seal .

e.g. Clip-Grip quick-release clamp

e.g. Combiflex PU loose flange, permanently mounted

Food hoses Robotics & automation

Production peripherals RPA plastic tubes

Whether in the packaging line, handling sensitive foodstuffs or in automated production processes - our hoses ensure safe, reliable performance. Our flexible and robust plastic hoses are the perfect choice for RPA applications in food production.

Safety and precision are key here. The flexible pneumatic hose Master-Tube PUR 98 A Food, for example, meets these core requirements. As the first food-approved PU hose in Europe, this high-performance hose is now available in various colors. These plastic hoses not only offer exceptional durability, but also precise control of fluid and air flows to maximize the efficiency of robotic and automation systems.

Free product inquiryData sheet Master-Tube PUR 98 A Food

Zertifizierte Lebensmittelschläuche Automation & Robotik Lebensmittelindustrie

Food hose systems for filling lines & automation

Our compliant hose and connection solutions for filling lines and automation systems offer maximum hygiene safety and excellent hydrolysis resistance. They prevent contamination and ensure precise control of liquids or compressed air, for example, to keep product quality at the highest level at all times.

Thanks to their flexibility, they are ideal for dynamic movements in filling systems and food technology. Even with frequent bends, the hoses remain stable and reliable. Rely on our solutions to make filling processes, for example, efficient, safe and hygienic.

Looking for a PFA-free alternative? Discover our patented UHMWPE hose Master-Tube PE Ultra. An abrasion-resistant hose with a low coefficient of friction and good chemical resistance; particularly suitable for feeding technology and automation.

Data sheet Master-Tube PE UltraRequest certificates & standards


Automation in production? Our certified RPA food hose solutions are flexible & robust!

Torsten Gebhardt, Product & Branch Manager Industrial Solutions Masterflex Group

Hoses Mechanical & plant engineering

Product image: Food hose from Novoplast Schlauchtechnik Master-Tube PUR 98A Food

Master-Tube PUR 98 A Food

Master-Tube PE Ultra (UHMWPE)

Master-Tube PE Ultra (UHMWPE)

PFA hoses with possible spiralization

Product image: a variation of FEP hoses from the company APT

FEP hoses

Example of ready-made hose set assemblies

Information materials for food hoses and systems

Thumbnail: Whitepaper Masterflex Group Food Hoses

Mini white paper "Avoiding cost-intensive risks."

Get your mini whitepaper!

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Special hoses developments for food & pharma

Certified food hose and hose development for the food & pharmaceutical industries made of plastic

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SPOTLIGHT | Explanatory video Safety in food & pharma with tubing systems

Food hoses with compliant connection technology

Expert interview food safety part 1

Masterflex Group: Expert breakfast - Topic food hoses

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Expert interview part 1 Simon Zoppke and APT Managing Director Martin Brück from Düsseldorf

Expert interview food safety part 2

Expert interview part 2 Torsten Gebhardt (Industry Manager Industrial Solutions & Daniela Schindler QS, Novoplast Schlauchtechnik

Master-PUR H FishTec passes NS 9416:2013 certification

Tumbnail: Video of the testing of the Master-PUR H FishTec

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Masterflex welcomed Olve Vangdal (Lead Auditor/DNV) from Norway as part of the hose certification. The hose complies with the strict Norwegian standard NS 9416:2013.

Your Masterflex Group contact

Contact person for certified food & pharmaceutical hoses

Portrait: Marc-Julian Ott Technical Sales Consultant at Masterflex

Marc-Julian Ott
Key Account Manager Life Science

+49 209 970 779 10

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